
  • Annisya Verni Politeknik Kesehatan Karya Husada Yogyakarta, Indonesia



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Preliminary : COPD is characterized by airflow limitation that does not fully recover, is associated with abnormal lung inflammation to noxious gases, causes airway narrowing, mucus hypersecretion, etc. COPD is controlled by lifestyle changes, administration of bronchodilators, and effective non- pharmacological cough therapy. Riskesdas 2018 COPD in Indonesia male (4.2%) female (3.3%). Methods : data collection by interview and observation before and after giving an effective cough 3x a day for 3 days 24 May 2022 – 26 May 2022.

Results : the first day of effective coughing before, phlegm does not come out and after phlegm does not come out. The second day of coughing is effective before, 3 ml of phlegm comes out and after 10 ml of phlegm comes out. The third day of coughing is effective before, 10 ml of sputum comes out and after 38 ml of sputum comes out. The average result of sputum production is 17.6 ml. Conclusion : Effective cough technique is able to assist pharmacological therapy in increasing sputum production in COPD patients. Suggestion : As a reference material to assist pharmacological treatment in increasing the production of sputum in the respiratory tract in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Keywords : Sputum, Effective Cough Technique, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Preliminary : COPD is characterized by airflow limitation that does not fully recover, is associated with abnormal lung inflammation to noxious gases, causes airway narrowing, mucus hypersecretion, etc. COPD is controlled by lifestyle changes, administration of bronchodilators, and effective non- pharmacological cough therapy. Riskesdas 2018 COPD in Indonesia male (4.2%) female (3.3%). Methods : data collection by interview and observation before and after giving an effective cough 3x a day for 3 days 24 May 2022 – 26 May 2022.
Results : the first day of effective coughing before, phlegm does not come out and after phlegm does not come out. The second day of coughing is effective before, 3 ml of phlegm comes out and after 10 ml of phlegm comes out. The third day of coughing is effective before, 10 ml of sputum comes out and after 38 ml of sputum comes out. The average result of sputum production is 17.6 ml. Conclusion : Effective cough technique is able to assist pharmacological therapy in increasing sputum production in COPD patients. Suggestion : As a reference material to assist pharmacological treatment in increasing the production of sputum in the respiratory tract in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Keywords : Sputum, Effective Cough Technique, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


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Cara Mengutip

Dettasari, A. V., & Istiqomah. (2023). UPAYA PENERAPAN BATUK EFEKTIF DALAM PENGELUARAN SPUTUM PADA PASIEN PENYAKUT PARU OBSTRUKTIF KRONIK (PPOK). Jurnal Kesehatan, 11(1), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.35913/jk.v11i1.409

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